Going near large bodies of water this past weekend have been sobering in a necessary way that I had not been able to come to on my own this entire week. Is there anything more terrifying yet beautiful as the ocean? Yet even as I stand right in front of it, even as I place my fragile life on the line as to dangle my legs above the dark star-lit ocean my mind could not grasp the mysteries that is of this world I am living on. For example, the waves. Yes, there are waves due to wind and the creatures of the sea moving about. And of course, there are tectonic plates shifting all around the Earth as I write these things. But it does not necessarily explain the fact that it is in sync with not only life under the sea levels but also above it.
How is every living organism linked unto each other on this solid yet liquid piece of rock that floats in space? With something so articulately moving about in regards to the world and its workings, humans bring the question of "why"? There is purpose in everything. Even an old hammer was created by men to serve a purpose, and with just a few pieces that item was intelligently designed! Water filtration systems are arduously processable and intricately thought out products of human intelligence.. Yet with innumerable nerves in even just the human eye, how much more of an intelligent designer should there be?
"For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or
rulers or authorities-all things were created through him and for him.
And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
Colossians 1:16-17